The eighth episode of the 13th season of Shark Tank gave the audience a ton of festive vibes with a variety of products for the festive season. Santa's enchanted mailbox is one of them! As the name of the product suggests, this is a mailbox that magically sends letters to Santa at the North Pole.

It was created by Chris and Eliza Sirri, who turned the family tradition into a business. Chris and Eliza Sirri created Santa's magical mailbox for their son, then four years old, he's put his wishlist to send to Santa in a "magic" mailbox they made out of cardboard.
Eliza distracted him when Chris pulled the lists and photos out of the box. They then opened the box and found that the image had been "sent" to Santa.
They liked the reaction and wondered if there was a real product that made envelopes disappear. When Chris couldn't find anything like it on the Internet, he called his father-in-law Chris Seals, a retired engineer. The next day he made a prototype. Then Cirri tested the prototype on their children who fell in love with it.
After 7 or 8 different prototype projects, they made a prototype on a 3D printer and presented the idea to Mr.Christmas, a Christmas-themed toy company that has been around since 1933. In the end, they made a licensing agreement with Mr. Christmas and sold millions of units. The license agreement expired in 2020, and now the Cirris need the help of the sharks to make the enchanted mailbox on their own. Enchanted mailboxes have spread all over the world. In the US, you can find them at santasenchantedmailbox.com. At $ 39.99 per letterbox, this is an affordable way to start the family tradition of “sending” letters to Santa.

Santa's Enchanted Mailbox website was created by a local company right here in Tallahassee Promotonics Marketing Agency! With the assistance of their partner company in Connecticut VP Creative Agency, a Connecticut marketing powerhouse.

This is a first for Tallahassee. Promotonics stands as the only local marketing agency to have had a featured client on ABC's Shark Tank. With a client list expanding from fortune 500 companies to local businesses like our own, Promotonics is an agency bound to further shake up the Tallahassee Small Business market.
Get your growth on with this fantastic local Tallahassee Marketing Agency: Promotonics.com
See how Santa's Enchanted Mailbox swims with the sharks when their episode reairs on Christmas Day, Only On ABC.