When it comes to marketing your business by way of your website, you may want to up your game with a professional video company versus trying to DIY.

In the past few years, video content popularity has exploded. Unfortunately and fortunately the pandemic has greatly increased this trend as well. In todays day and age anyone can instantly became an expert, a comedian, an influencer or plainly…a superstar. They grab their cell phones and started filming, without a care for lighting, sound or quality. The beauty of platforms like TikTok or YouTube is you don't need the Hollywood studios to post a video of your cat falling into the pool. But, will those same “run and gun” tactics work for marketing your brand or product?
Your business audience can quickly tell if you try shooting your video marketing campaign on a cell phone. The average internet viewer is quite sophisticated today, and will most likely judge your product or business by the content quality you present. To be taken seriously by your audience, you will need a presentable and professional looking production.
Here are five reasons you need to consider using a professional video company to create marketing videos.
The Quality of the Cameras
If you search right now, you can probably find hundreds of bloggers that will tell you that you do not in fact need fancy equipment to pull off your own video production.
But if your going for the true professional look, and want to impress your audience this is simply not true.
Professional cameras are expensive, complex and require attention to detail. For the highest quality there is much more technical complexities than just point and shoot. Oh, and that is after you picked out the right one (or two, or three). There are hundreds of opinions on what is the best camera to use and why. Sifting through all that can be absolutely daunting.
Even renting a professional camera can run you $1000 or more a day (and that doesn’t include the camera operator(s), the batteries, recording media, tripods or know how).

Full Array of Equipment
It’s not just the cameras that the professionals are privy to, it’s the entire selection of equipment. Think lighting, tripods, lenses, sliders, stands, microphones, backdrops, etc.
The professionals know just how to set it all up, get the view just right and begin recording content in no time. They have the equipment that cancels background noise, provides the proper angles you need and the perfect lighting to create a stunning video.
Now, having all these things won’t guarantee successful results, but not having them guarantees mediocre results, at the most. There is just no substitute for having a variety of assets to turn to when you run into issues on set.
Access to Support Services
Especially if you are planning to create several videos (which is a great idea), you might find yourself needing more than meets the eye.
A professional video production company is going to have access to support services (likely through professional associations and contacts) you might not have thought of. They can add in voice overs, models, hair, makeup and also set design. Cutting much of the work out for you. Saving you time, which of course is money.
Technical Expertise and Capabilities
Just having the right equipment and accessories can make or break your shoot. However, having the know-how and experience to use those items is just as important, if not MORE important.
Time is money. When you have crew and talent waiting for set changes or waiting for direction, you are losing out big time. You don’t have time to learn how to use your equipment when the clock is ticking. Pros know which equipment will overcome obstacles, when to use it and how to avoid many hang-ups before they even occur.
Turnaround Time
Even if your video only last 30 seconds, you still need to anticipate several hours of editing if you are inexperienced. The learning curve to understand NLE (none linear editing) techniques can take far longer to master than you can fathom.
Pros will have the equipment and software necessary to give you the best look possible. They also have the knowledge and understanding of the resolutions, dimensions and formats that will make your project look it’s best. And it won’t take them nearly as long to deliver a final product.
Remember, high definition and 4K formats require a lot of computing power and storage space when editing. The pros will have the equipment and software to make your video competitive.
Consider This
What you need to consider is the value of your time. This as well as if stand out quality is something you and your business are about. Are you better poised to spend your time researching equipment, hoping it’s all setup correctly and then editing videos or could your time be better spent nabbing sales and progressing your product or brand forward?
Video production is an investment. An investment that statistically yields high ROI, but only when the production is done right.
To DIY yourself here what you need: Equipment, Staff, Know How, Creative Vision. Without this your production will be mediocre at best, and the ROI will not be there. In fact you'll more than likely end up in the RED.

Now here's what you gain when going with a professional team. Savings! You don't have to buy the computers, external hard drives, SD cards, editing software, camera, lens, lighting, tripods, stanchions, means of transporting the equipment, or having to invest years of your life mastering production, directing, and editing in general. All this, plus with the right team your actually going to see results.
Marketing your brand using a professional video production company like Tally Entertainment will take you to that next level.
Without the worries and wasted hours. Investing in professional content will yield results. Results in the from of further brand awareness, audience interest, and of course increase of revenue.